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Share Your Story

This section was designed to provide an online community of support, understanding and information. Whether you have been diagnosed with Cancer, are a survivor, or are a family member or friend of someone who has been diagnosed, you are now faced with a new situation, questions and many new emotions. Although we feel it is essential to have a close support network of family and friends, sometimes the best support and assistance comes from those who have been through a similar situation. Someone who knows first hand everything you are being forced to deal with. Knowing that you are not alone and that someone else really does understand can sometimes make all the difference in the world to one’s emotions, determination and spirit. We encourage everyone to share their Cancer story in the hope of helping and inspiring others. If there is a story you have seen posted that you can relate to, please respond to it. As we mentioned, sometimes the best support is getting some honest answers or advice from someone who really knows.

Please note that all information submitted, will be posted to the site within 48 hours after its receipt.
Thank you for sharing your story with us!

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